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San Francisco Art Institute Bibliography

Our ongoing project to compile an SFAI bibliography triggered this bulletin board of a selection of photocopied book covers in the School’s stairwell. Plenty of wonderful researchers, curators, and museums have published fascinating titles pertaining to the School’s history.

Please send along titles that you think should be included! Future researchers, artists, and art historians will be appreciative. AND…..the SFAI’s Anne Bremer Memorial Library and Archives is available for researchers, make an appointment! And relay your questions to

And….a link to a brief illustrated history of SFAI-associated periodicals, usual and rare—from the Berkeley Art Museum Pacific Film Archives virtual Matrix 277 exhibit:Orbits of Known and Unknown Objects: SFAI Histories:

With permission, SFAA is re-posting the emails Jeff Gunderson Librarian/Archivist Anne Bremer Memorial Library has been sending out since March 2020. Please enjoy this magnificent archive.


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