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1972 SFAI April 20th, Howie Becker, SFAI Alum

1972 photo of student Howie Becker by Steve Gach and Poster by Lex Calip, 2017, “Just Ask Howie”

This is too good an SFAI Historical Blurb not to send out every April 20th.....

After receiving his Phd. in Sociology from the University of Chicago, where he published the first scholarly article on marihuana use rather than marihuana’s abuse titled, “Becoming a Marihuana User,” American Journal of Sociology (November, 1953), Professor Becker studied photography at the San Francisco Art Institute with Phil Perkis and Jerry Burchard. He also curated the 1982 exhibition Exploring Society Photographically at SFAI’s Emmanuel Walter Gallery… Howie lives part time in Paris but most of the time on Lombard Street around the corner from the School. In 2017, as noted above, in the wonderful “Just Ask Howie” poster by Lex Calip, Becker offered his thoughts about Jazz, sub-cultures, sociology, and his key book for artists, Art Worlds.

(Celebrating year 101 of #sfai150)

And….Howie Becker, the author of (among many other things):

--Art Worlds: 25th Anniversary Edition (University of California Press, 2008). --Outsiders: Studies in the Sociology of Deviance (Free Press, 1963, reprinted, updated, 2018). --Tricks of the Trade: How to Think about Your Research While You're Doing It (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing, 1998). --What About Mozart? What about Murder? (University of Chicago Press, 2014). --“Becoming a Marihuana User,” American Journal of Sociology (November 1953), which was republished by the University of Chicago Press in 2015. --What About Mozart? What about Murder? (University of Chicago Press, 2014).

With permission, SFAA is re-posting the emails Jeff Gunderson Librarian/Archivist Anne Bremer Memorial Library has been sending out since March 2020. Please enjoy this magnificent archive.


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